It's like Christmas in June! Today I went out and purchased a Wildgame Innovation Model IR2 Digital Game Scouting Camera. As the season moves along, we will post the pictures and updates from the camera, along with a product review after we have tested it out.
I purchased this camera specifically for the price. It was $49.95 and right in my budget. For a lot of people the thought of placing trail cameras in their hunting area feels out of reach. Let's face it, if we are staring down the barrel of a $1-300 price tag and than sticking it in the woods to be stolen by the first a-hole that trespasses by, isn't all that appealing. The intent of this purchase is to see if the less expensive line of cameras can be suitable to the most basic of our needs.
To see the exact product, follow the link below.
We will be placing this camera on Sunday over the food plot that we planted on the property two weeks ago, and hopefully show some of the deer coming and going, as well as watch for an increase in traffic once the food plot grows.
Check back for updates!
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