Friday, June 1, 2012

Pre Season Prep

It's that time of year once again!  It seems like we just climbed down from the tree for the last time and yet, here we are making plans for another year of hunting.  This year we are going to be hitting the ground running and hopefully have a little more to show for it.  We put in a lot of grunt work last year and learned quite a few lessons along the way.  Here are the plans for this year:
1.  Sandstone Land - We had very limited success last year here.  We shot one buck and 2 does after hunting it all bow season and most of gun season.  We plan on relocating stands, using different attractants and overall land improvements this year.  I know a lot of experts tell us that we should be finishing all of these things this time of year and not starting them, but due to the nature of our jobs, that just isnt possible.  We have high hopes for bow season this year on this property.

2.  Metro Land - We had ZERO success on this property last year.  It was a combination of poor planning and poor execution on our part.  We are going to hunt this land very carefully this season.  I don't see it being a heavy year on this property but we will use it to fill the fridge if we can.  Again, we are going to change some stand locations and even some overall strategies on this land.  

3.  Land Acquisition - We are pushing forward with a new endeavor this year.  After hunting small plots of land our whole lives, we are looking to start the process of purchasing a larger chunk of land.  We have started looking at lands and areas trying to decide what is the best for us and what we want to pursue.  We are realistically looking at 2 years out before we actually make a purchase, but a lot can happen in two years.  

I can't wait to see what we pull together for this season and how it pans out.  I can tell you I am overly excited to get going.  See you all again soon with more detailed info on our plans!