I was able to get 72 pictures off of the camera that is placed in front of my stand. The deer have been hitting the food plot that we planted extremely hard, as many of the pictures have them standing there eating the foliage growth. This is a great sign and will hopefully lead us right into the bow hunting season! Check out the pictures below. This is a small sample, I hope to get more up later today as well.
A female and two fawns

Possibly the same female and two fawns

What we believe could be a 6 point buck. The antlers are still growing. We believe this was the buck that we caught on the prior trip up to get the pictures.

A nub buck.

Possibly the same female and two fawns

What we believe could be a 6 point buck. The antlers are still growing. We believe this was the buck that we caught on the prior trip up to get the pictures.

A nub buck.
I will get more of the pictures up later today. Over the course of the next couple of weeks we have to make a couple trips up to the property to build/reinforce the stands that are on the property. We are heading down the back stretch to the hunting season. I am really getting the itch and it should be a fun ride this year seeing how everything works out.
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